Tuesday, August 9, 2011

BEFORE You Try My Pancreatitis Regemin ...

Please ...

Don't stop taking anything your doc has prescribed for you, call your pharmacist and ask them if aspririn, vit C, grapeseed extract and curcumin will interfere or interact with any meds you currently take and if not, then give it a try.

If you are unsure about anything ask your doc too, but chances are they will tell you not to do it, it won't work or something similar because they aren't going to recommend something they don't know anything about.

Remember, I am NOT a doctor.

I'm just a guy sharing information I have learned seems to work for me while trying to stay alive after being diagnosed with Pancreatitis.

I seem to have been successful, I am still alive after 32 years; however, that doesn't mean I know everything.

Use your own intelligence, common sense and judgment. And ...

Remember this as well, use everything on this blog, information, supplements, etc ... COMPLETELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.

I want to help if at all possible but I will NOT be your next lawsuit victim should you THINK my story has harmed you in anyway.

Got that?

The information on this blog is for your edification and reading pleasure ONLY. I DO NOT CLAIM to cure, prevent, diagnose any disease and this information is NOT intended to do anything but entertain you and maybe give you a good laugh.


  1. You are not a doctor, but you are definitely saving lives. Thanks!

  2. You are welcome! Thank you for your kind words. And if anything I mention helps anyone I give ALL the glory to God THE Almighty Father, His Son Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit who together with His Angels have kept me alive, for what purpose I have no clue.
