After reading portions of my blog you may have noticed I post on anything that may effectively help you in regards to lessening your suffering due to acute or chronic pancreatitis.
Those who read my blog know that I too, like you, have suffered with pancreatitis, yet, I have been lucky. I have been able to literally overcome pancreatitis by stopping the acute pancreatitis episodes and actually healing my pancreatic tissue damage to a large extent thus allowing me to live far beyond the time limit I was told I might have. Anyway ...
I thought I'd relay to you some information I found in regards to Ginko Biloba. Most people familiar with Ginko know that it is used fairly extensively to enhance brain function but what you may not know is that it may also help in preventing or lessening episodes of acute pancreatitis.
I could not find any research other than what I will mention. There are three papers or abstracts dealing with the possibility that Ginko Biloba may be beneficial. Unlike grape seed extract, curcumin, vitamin C, grapefruit juice and Ibuprofen or aspirin which I personally use or have used and can highly praise and vouch for, I have NOT personally tried Ginko so I can not tell you from personal experience whether it is worth trying or not.
Sources of Research on Ginko Biloba
I didn't find a lot. Here are the three sources of research on Ginko Biloba I was able to locate in regards to pancreatitis. Number 1 and 2 came from a PubMed search using "Ginko Biloba for Pancreatitis" as a search term. The same search term was used to find source number 3 on Google:
1) "The effects of free oxygen radical scavenger and platelet-activating factor antagonist agents in experimental acute pancreatitis" here
2) "The effects of gingko biloba extract (EGb 761) on experimental acute pancreatitis" here
Page 227 of this paper states "Gingo biloba extract can improve memory, prevents pancreatitis and enhances gastroprotection against necrotizing agents and accelerates healing in rats with duodenal ulcer through cytoprotective and antioxidant actions (45,46)" and of course the numbers 45, 46 are the sources listed at the end of the paper as referrences that you can check out.
The Problem with Ginko Biloba
From what I have read Ginko may or may not be effective in preventing pancreatitis and it isn't nearly as safe as other remedies that I have personally tested and know have produced effective results. And I am not at all pleased with some of the adverse possibilities I have read Ginko Side Effects and Safety and so I am not able to recommend Ginko Biloba for pancreatitis at this time.