Complication of Pancreatitis
It is extremely important, if you have pancreatitis to understand what you are really dealing with and how important it is for you to keep your pancreas as non-inflamed as possible in order to avoid serious complications that could result in your death.
The more you do to help yourself the better off you are going to be because if you have mild acute or mild chronic pancreatitis it can get worse if you allow the problem to become uncontrolled because you don't do what you should do and the last thing you want is full-blown acute pancreatitis with complications.
So what kind of complications am I talking about?
There are some serious ones such as:
- necrotizing pancreatitis (infection and tissue death)
- spleen rupture
- organ failure (Kidney, Heart, Lungs, Liver) can lead to death
- hemorrhage can lead to death
- shock can lead to death
- psuedocysts lots of pain and possible infection that could lead to death
- pancreatic cancer, does lead to death no matter how much money you have for treatment. Steven Jobs is a prime example.
Over 30 years the medical community has become a lot more knowledgeable about Acute Pancreatitis, it's causes, diagnosis and complications. That still doesn't mean the average doc or GI specialist can diagnose it any better than they could when I was at my worst but they do know a hell of a lot more about the condition than they used to know, which can only be a good thing.
Diagnosis and Complication research material:
Mayo Clinic
American Family Physician