Regimen Products

Pancreatitis Supplements
Good News! You can now find all of my pancreatitis regimen products in one spot - right here on this page. This way you don't need to guess about what to buy or what I myself use. It's all here in one spot. One stop shopping with free shipping available on qualified orders within the U.S.

Thank you for being one of my blog readers and customers. I appreciate you.

One thing I understand is that money is tight for everyone in this economy and for many pancreatitis patients it is simply almost nonexistent so ...

IF I could only afford to do ONE product it would be the Now Foods Grape Seed Extract 100mg Vcaps because grape seed extract is extremely anti-inflammatory, protects the pancreas from more damage, causes programmed cell death of cancer cells and  this particular product formulation also contains 300mgs of vitamin c in each cap. So it may not contain tons of vitamin c but it is grape seed extract and c together - 2 for one.

Pancreatitis Supplements

ALL are important for various reasons the order in which they are given means nothing. It is my humble opinion that grape seed extract and vitamin c are THE most important with the enzymes running a close 2nd if you are not on an enzyme prescription such as creon.

1) Curcumin puts out the fire of inflammation and so helps control pain. It is also a powerful antioxidant and it also inhibits cancer growth by actually causing cancer cells to die (according to some research). I use the Vcaps and I make sure I ingest plenty of black pepper during the day (in food) to help the absorption of the curcumin. There are those who will insist that you need to buy expensive curcumin in combo with Piperine but it seems to me that plain old black pepper works the same. NOTE: IF you have gallstones or SOD you should probably avoid curcumin because it increases bile flow which could cause problems you don't want.

Jarrow Formulas Curcumin 95, 500mg, 120 Capsules

2) Grape Seed Extract is another very strong anti-inflammatory but it is also one of the most powerful antioxidants on earth and one of the few that will cross the blood-brain barrier. According to research grape seed extract causes cancer cells to die but more importantly grape seed extract in combination with vitamin C help relieve nausea and pain (at least they do for me) that we all know are two rotten symptoms of pancreatitis. Over time it helps heal the pancreas, at least it did mine but instead of simply taking me at my word read this second to the last sentence in a sholar type article: "supplementation of GSPE ameliorates chronic pancreatitis in humans." The word ameliorates means "to make or become better, improve." So get some and see if it works for you too. IF you can afford only ONE product this is the one I would personally choose.

NOW Foods Grape Seed Anti 100mg

3) Vitamin C is another antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and essential nutrient. Vitamin C can do so many things and it has done wonders for me, in combination with grape seed extract and curcumin. The three in combination are extremely powerful pancreatitis remedies. This particular formula also contains bioflavonoids and rose hips.

NOW Foods Vitamin C-1000 W/ Rose Hips, 250 Tablets / 1000mg

4) Digestive Enzymes are important simply because your pancreas produces digestive enzymes and the less your pancreas has to work the better. If your pancreas has sustained a large amount of damage it may not produce enough enzymes to digest your food and of course this makes an enzyme supplement mandatory. The enzymes I use contain pancreatin 4X which is Amylase, Lipase and Protease.

NOW Foods Super Enzymes, 180 Capsules

5) Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants are important simply because with pancreatitis we can often suffer from malabsorption which simply means we do not absorb the nutrients in our food like we should. Extra vitamins, minerals and antioxidants may be very helpful in providing more energy and all-around better health. About this formula it may not be the best but if it isn't, and I have scoured the net and health stores it is very close. Most are natural vitamins/mineral from plant sources but a few are synthetic, which most of the well known multi-vitamins are and synthetic vitamins suck compared to the real thing. This formula also uses a much higher grade of B12 and B12 is important for making blood and except for one source of sea vegetation can only be gotten from animal products. That is why I use this formula. It's gluten free and of excellent quality.

Multiple Vitamins & Minerals - Fruit Antioxidant

Well, there you have them. Those are the exact formulas I use every day. You may wish to use different formulas. I need to use those because they are gluten free and it is difficult to find quality, gluten free supplements. I use the ones above, I can vouch they work. The "they work" part is important. However ...

IF you decide to use another product, that is perfectly cool but make sure you do not buy grape seed or curcumin or vitamin C that is coupled with mineral or vitamins. You want your THREE supplements to be as pure as possible so that they are non-toxic in large doses. In other words you want quality, stand-alone grape seed extract and stand-alone curcumin. The vitamin C w/bioflavonoids and rose hips.

Now ...

How I take the pancreatitis supplements

I take one capsule each of grape seed, curcumin and vit C in the morning when I get up, usually on an empty stomach and then have my coffee and a smoke lol. The enzymes I take (usually two) just before I eat sometimes with another dose (one cap each) of grape seed, curcumin and vit C and then I take my last dose of grape seed, curcumin, vit C and the vitamin/mineral/antioxidant drink at night before bed. I only use HALF the dose on the label of the powder vitamin/mineral/antioxidant formula, one rounded teaspoon instead of a tablespoon because that is all that is needed to get a good dose of nutrients However ...

When I started with the supplements years ago (when I was still quite sick) I took grape seed extract, curcumin and vit C 4 times per day. fairly large amounts of grape seed extract (200 milligrams), 4 times per day. The curcumin I was using at that time came in much smaller amounts so it comprised about 400 mgs total per day for curcumin at that time. And the vitamin C was about 5,000 milligrams per day. I've taken up to 10,000 mgs per day of vitamin C with no adverse effects but some folks get stomach cramps and diarrhea with large doses of vitamin C similar to eating to much fruit or to many green apples. So start with small doses and work up to about 4,000 - 5,000 milligrams per day.

All three are non-toxic so you can take large amounts without fear of a lethal overdose however ...

When you first start out you may experience some unpleasant effects due to the fact that those powerful pancreatitis supplements are purging your body of toxic waste so it may be prudent to start off with the minimum dose of once per day and then add another dose and then another and so on until your pain and other symptoms resolve. Then stay at a fairly strong dose until your abdomen is no longer tender and your symptoms have disappeared.

I must say this - and this is important - the supplements work however they alone did NOT do it for me. It was supplements and MY Pancreatitis Diet in combination that worked to heal my pancreas. ONE (either one) helps but will not produce healing - at least it didn't for me. It wasn't until I learned that I NEEDED BOTH to heal that my healing began.

I also drank large amounts of grapefruit juice, probably a gallon per day, starting in 1982 which was years before I found the supplements. YES, I said a gallon. If it wasn't a gallon it was damn close to it because I drank it all day long and a lot at night. It was grapefruit juice that first stopped my acute pancreatitis attacks however ...

I did NOT know that until I found research several months ago that said grapefruit protected mice from acute pancreatitis. "The major finding of the present study is the demonstration for the first time that grapefruit-seed extract applied intragastrically is capable of reducing significantly the extent of pancreatitis induced ..." Page 818, 2nd paragraph and you can buy white, unsweetened grapefruit juice at almost any grocery store.

Yes, I know we are not mice but I don't think it is simply happenstance that my acute attacks resolved once I started drinking large amounts of grapefruit juice because grapefruit juice contains flavonoids similar to those which are found in larger quantities in grape seed extract.

So, get yourself the supplements, take them religiously for life (they are not a cure - there is no cure), adhere to my chronic pancreatitis diet and start healing. Of course you can do what you want but so far this regimen or whatever you want to call it has bought me some really good years I may not have had otherwise. In fact, I may have already been dead by now.

Ok now ...

My own personal observations are that most often those products that qualify for "super saver" shipping at first glance may have a higher price tag BUT I have usually saved between $.25 (25 cents) to $1 per bottle when calculating the other prices of the same product after including their shipping fees. So the qualified "super saver shipping" products save you money in most instances because of free shipping but calculate the transactions yourself and see how you come out.

One other thing like I have said in other posts it may be more beneficial to get your first set or bottles of product from your local health store. That way you can have them immediately and begin using them instead of waiting 10 days for delivery. You may pay more but you'll have them now and may even see some good benefit within the ten day time period.

Yes I make a buck, sometimes even $1.50 when you purchase through Amazon using my links depending of course on what you purchase. Keeps me in coffee so ...

Thanks in advance :-)

I wish you good health and pancreas healing!

The Health Guy

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  1. Does grape seed extract come in liquid form?

    1. Yes, Grape seed extract comes in liquid form. In fact some where on the blog there is a link to the only liquid grapse seed extract I could find WITHOUT alcohol in the formula. I think it is in a post having to do with children who have pancreatitis.

      If you get it from a store or any place online read the ingredients because most have alcohol in the formula and that is NOT a good thing for us who have pancreatitis.

  2. Awesome site! Very informative. I found the liquid grape seed extract and have also purchased Bells Stem Cell Activator which I've read is fabulous for all sorts of ailments. I've also read gravoila is good to especially for the Pancreas.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. I know grape seed extract is exceptionally good and works for me but I have no clue about the other two. I hope they work for you!

  3. I do have some questions before starting using the products mentioned above...
    my problems are mainly of malabsorbtions which makes me severely bloated through out the day, other than that the pain present is of diffused nature, cant be specified...but not surely in upper abdomen.sometimes a pain linger in the back ,sometimes in the neck.
    Also i didnt had any previous acute attacks but my CT scan shows that the head of the pancreas have reduced marginally in volume...the docs also are not confirmed about the condition.
    I am also a smoker...although i have reduced it to 1/day .

    Need your suggestions on the condition.

    1. Soumavo of course you know I can not diagnose or prescribe so with that said the bloating should be helped with enzymes of course I make no promises and you'll have to determine by trial and error how many enzyme caps you need at each meal. Start with ONE and if that doesn't help a lot try two. Don't get carried away with the enzymes because to much is not a good thing.

      Moderate pain can be controlled with the grape seed, curcumin and C combination. 200 - 400 mgs of Ibuprofen could also be of great benefit until the supplements really kick in and ...

      Your adherence to a strict pancreatitis diet is essential. Supplements will NOT heal you without a proper pancreatitis diet. It took BOTH for me. I doubt you or anyone else are much different.

    2. Hi I'm a 25 year old femal who never drinks or smokes. I hope someone can help me please. The hospital say that I have mild pancretitis they did my blood work and my pancretitis enzemys are 800 they also did a ultrasound and found no stones or gallbladder stones. I'm waiting on a MRI to see if I have any pancreas deformations. I'm in discomfort all day I'm in pain/ bloated/belching after eating( even though I'm in a liquid diet) I have 1 banana and some blueberries for breakfast and veggie juice for lunch and 1 baby food (fruit) for dinner. By the end on my veggie juice I feel the worst with lots of pain under my left rid and feel it on the other side of my back. I'm also losing a lot of weight, I'm a petit girl as it is only weighing at 100lbs healthy state but now down to 90lbs! I feel light headed and very dehydrated all day even though I sip on water as much as I can.. If been sick like this for 3 weeks now and don't feel any better just feel like I'm getting worse. I also have diarrhea around 4 to 5 times a day.. Please some one give me some advice I'm desperate here!

    3. Hi - this must be Tenny. I just anaswered this same question on another post - Pancreas Healing: 5 Steps to Pancreas Healing After Acute Pancreatitis

      You can find what I said there

  4. hello. does cinnamon capsules help w/ accute pancraetites?

    1. I don't know. if I do know I don't remember :-) however i just checked Cinnamon on my trusty food data tool and it is an INFLAMMATORY food. So I would think it wouldn't be to helpful, especially in large quantities.

  5. My boyfriend has pancreatitis and he isn't the healthiest eater. I don't know how to begin to transition his eating habits. He loves fried foods and soda. How would you suggest a gradual change in diet? Also he has the genetic form of pancreatitis do you think the supplements would still be effective?

  6. I'm not one to ask about "transitioning" eating habits. Put it to him like this: If he keeps eating fried, high fat content foods and or consuming bad beverages (alcohol) he is going to have a lousy time, maybe die (30% morbidity for severe pancreatitis). If he receives enough damage he'll maybe wish he died eventhough he didn't - yet. Changing his diet should be immediate not gradual. The supplements should be a definite benefit. The thing he has to understand is that with his genetic predisposition he will NEVER be able to be normal. The chance of bad things will always be present. So it's his choice. Do what it takes to stay as well as possible or play the odds. Good luck to you and him both. I know it sucks.

  7. Hi, I recently suffered a bout of AP - lipase >6000 - was in hospital for 7 days and discharged after a hearty meal of sausages and mashed potatoes!!! I was astounded at the lack of information and dietary advice from the hospital. I will follow your supplement and diet advice and hope for the best as I am still suffering nausea, pain and indigestion.
    I have a couple of questions - would you suspect thst AP could be caused by nicotine replacement (I recently gave up smoking and have been sucking on nicotine lozenges)?
    Secondly, as far back as I can remember I have been unable to tolerate grapefruit (along with pineapple) so is there another anti-inflammatory type juice. In addition, since my AP I can no longer tolerate fresh ginger which I usually add to fresh juices.
    Thanks in afvance for any help you can offer. Best wishes from New Zealamd.

    1. Hi Susan ...

      #1 I have no clue about the nicotine replacement but it is always possible. Check the package to see what the ingredients are. check both active and inactive. look them up on the net if you need to in order to learn about them. If they use anything that ends in "ol" like sorbitol (sugar alcohol) which is used to make stuff sweet that could be a problem.

      #2 If you can not tolerate grapefruit juice because of taste try grapefruit seed extract. IF it is some chemical reaction (your body just doesn't handle it) or you are on medication that it does not combine well with then that is something else and I don't have an answer.

      Are you sure it is the juices and ginger? If you are eating a normal "healthy human" diet it is impossible to accurately tell. In other words if you are eating steak, roast, bacon, ham, butter, mayo etc ... those are most likely the real problem, not the juices and ginger. Of course you could have food alergies to those juices and ginger but I doubt any of them are harming your panc because all are anti-inflammatory. Pineapple for example contains bromelain which help relieve pain, digest food and is anti-inflammatory. Grapefruit has actually been proven to protect the pancreas from AP and ginger help fight inflammation and nausea. So ...

      Look at your diet. And when I say look I mean with a microscope. You can find a page on this blog that explains how to do a food diary properly. There are also several pages about diet.

  8. hi, i've type 2 diabetes and was wondering if your regiment of supplements will get my pancreas to produce insulin in a normal way?

    1. Holy cow I must have missed this or forgotten to reply. I must admit I do not know the answer. I would not count on it.

  9. I don't know if you still read these posts, but the link to the diet no longer works. Could you help with this?

    1. Which link? I have checked a number of them (just now) and all that I checked worked. If you could tell me what link and where it is located I could fix it hopefully.

  10. Did your pancreas completely heal ? Or is it incurable and an ongoing battle? Thank u

    1. Hi there, sorry it took me so long to reply. I don't check this blog much. To answer your question as best I can ...

      It is healed to the point that I don't hurt or have symptoms as long as I adhere to my diet and supplements. I'm NOT cured. IF I screw up I could be very sick again very fast. So, I guess it's an ongoing thing for me in that respect - no pain or other symptoms but always the possibility.

  11. Greetings - Very interested in your pancreatitis diet but, when I click the link above ( I see "This domain may be for sale." Thanks for your help.

    1. Hi Gregory - I apologize. I forgot to renew my domain and so this is now just a blog. And because of that some links I haven't changed don't work. I just fixed the ones above so they should now be in working order. Thank you for telling me. I appreciate it. If you find others and I'm sure you will on this blog please point them out so I can fix them as well. My main blog is now at

  12. Thank you. I appreciate your work here.

  13. This is the first time i read your blog and admire that you have posted on this...I really found useful.Keep updated.

  14. Just a quick note for people to consider who may have low blood pressure.

    My wife took the grape seed extract one evening and the next morning during an AP episode and felt dizzy and weird. she went to the doctors and he noted her blood pressure was very low. we checked online and confirmed that grape seed extract does lower your blood pressure. she has low blood pressure to begin with so this is why her pressure went to low and caused her dizziness. she stopped taking the extract and felt fine in a few hours. (.. seems that people with high BP may be able to use grape seed extract to lower their pressure ??? ...)

    great site and thanks for all the info health guy.

    1. Yes sir grape seed extract can and does lower blood pressure. Usually not more than 10 mm Hg. But I guess it depends on the individual. Sorry it doesn't work well for your wife cuz it is an awesome anti-inflammatory

  15. We will take the does down amd try again.

    unfortunately we are unable to find the clear grapefruit juice in any of the grocery stores around here (Toronto area). Can we substitute pink? should we buy grapefruits and juice them or just eat them ?

    thanks a million for helping us and others with this condition. the doctors are at best NO HELP and at worst making things worse (wife's gastro told her to eat fats and not worry about it event though she keeps getting the back pain when she does !!!)

    1. Yes the clear/white grapefruit juice is very difficult to find. Oceanspray has what is called 100% and it seems to be a combination of white and pink and red but I am not sure that is correct. All I know is they quit making white grapefruit juice and have this new one that looks like a combo juice but seems to work.

      You're welcome. Most docs have no clue. Best wishes.
