Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stopping Pancreatitis Pain Requires Elimination of Pancreas Inflammation

Stopping pancreatitis pain requires the elimination of pancreas inflammation. The root of all pancreatitis pain is inflammation and/or the destruction caused by inflammation of the pancreas and if you do not eliminate the inflammation you will continue to experience pain, maybe horrible pain.

Stopping Pancreatitis pain can be done in several ways but there is only ONE way that makes sense to me and works and that is comprised of:

Stopping Pancreas Inflammation - Step # 1

NSAID's. Anti-inflammatories such as aspirin or Ibuprofen eliminate the pancreas inflammation quickly using large enough doses. Doctors use opiates to relieve pain which makes no sense to me because they are addictive and do NOT eliminate the inflammation of the pancreas. In fact there is a connection between acute pancreatitis and the use of opiates.

Fasting. NSAID's in combination with fasting, nothing by mouth except water, for 72 - 96 hours will most likely get the job done. Nothing by mouth (no food) is extremely important in order to rest the pancreas.

Grape Seed Extract, Curcumin and Grapefruit Juice. If you have grape seed extract, curcumin and grapefruit juice (these are the ONLY things by mouth other than water) I would use while in pain. All 3 have research that specifically points to their ability to stop pancreas inflammation AND actually protect the pancreas from damage.


I haven't tried grapefruit juice
during an acute pancreatitis
episode. So I can NOT tell you
the results but Ibuprofen (800 mgs)
stopped my pain where demerol didn't
even phase it. Once I learned about
grape seed extract and curcumin I
added those to help eliminate the
pain and inflammation.

Grapefruit juice is a double edged sword if you are currently on certain medications such as cholesterol medication so check with your doctor (pharmacist is even better for this) and ask if grapefruit juice will cause any adverse side effects and/or interactions with ANY medication you are currently taking.

I first started drinking grapefruit juice in in large quantities I believe 1981 or 1982 and my acute pancreatitis episodes stopped. I didn't connect the juice to the elimination of my acute pancreatitis but since writing this blog and creating a squidoo page about my experience with pancreatitis I found research that points directly to grapefruit juice as being the reason my acute pancreatitis episodes stopped. In fact ...

Maybe that is the reason my symptoms would disappear from time to time on previous occassions during my periods of illness. I have always drank grapefruit juice or eaten grapefruit for breakfast ever since I was a kid.

But not in vast quantities as I did when I started to drink it in place of beer while shooting pool and so forth. That makes me sound like I may have been an alcoholic but that isn't the case. I liked grapefruit juice so when I started drinking it in place of the alcohol that I'd normally drink under social circumstances I began drinking it all the time actually preferring it to water and quite honestly I don't know why I drank so much of it but ...

It was almost like I was compelled to drink the stuff so you who are like me, believers in God and angels, can come to your own conclusion because once I started drinking vast amounts my acute pancreatitis episodes stopped and healing began. I could tell you four other stories that lead me to believe I was led to the juice, personal experiences where I could have been killed but somehow survived but maybe some other time :-).

Keeping Pancreas Inflammation Away - Step #2

A nice juicy steak or any other red meat or pork, lamb, duck or anything containing fat, grease or oil, is NOT your friend or a food you want to eat when diagnosed with pancreatitis. And of course alcohol in any form is OUT.

If you want your pancreas to heal you should become a vegan for at least 6 months but as long as it takes until the pain, all pain including any abdominal tenderness is gone. A true vegan eats only vegetables, fruits, legumes (beans, lentils) and grains. NO animal products of any kind (NO meat, No dairy and nothing that contains them). But vegans prepare food and cook with oil, you'll need to eliminate the oil in vegan recipes.

So you eat like a very strict vegan who'll die if they consume oil and you continue to swallow grape seed extract, vit c, curcumin and as long as your pharmacist and doctor say it's ok you drink copious amounts of grapefruit juice and ...

Once your pain and any symptoms have completely resolved and you've been a good, strict vegan and supplement junkie for at least 6 months you can begin to consider adding some protein to your diet such as skinless boiled or broiled chicken (turkey works too) and poached white meat fish (halibut, pollack, bass, perch, crappie). And ...

If you want to stay pain free you never touch alcohol, red meat, pork, lamb, duck, butter, margarine or any other high fat, oily, greasy food and you'll continue to swallow your supplements and so forth for the rest of your life because you aren't cured, you are simply healed for the time being and will hopefully stay that way as long as you do what it takes to stay well because ...

This is important ...

One slip (miss something on a label)
One weak moment (you drink alcohol, have a steak)
One tiny screw up (eat fried potatoes cooked by someone else that contain oil, bacon fat)


You eat anything that you shouldn't it is very possible you will find yourself in an actute pancreatitis attack and then you'll need to start all over and it may be worse than before because you may have more damage or, you just may not make it through the next one.

My hope for you is a long pain free life filled with happiness.


  1. I do not agree that you have to go vegan. You must get your complete amino acid (protein) profile, as protein helps to rebuild the damaged cells. I don't think you can achieve this by going vegan.

    You just gotta make sure that protein is fat free and lean. The studies I've read suggest that the worst offender for pancreatitis is fat, but protein and carbs are OK.

    Additionally, since fruits and veggies contain fiber, I would be wary of consuming too much, as fiber is indigestible and can put undue stress on the pancreas.

  2. Anonymous, you don't have to agree. It is your right to disagree and of course do what ever you like. You are the one in pain while I, except for one very bad acute pancreatitis episode in 2006 have been free of acute pancreatitis eversince I believe 1983 and mostly pain free for over 17 years. But I adhered to a strict diet and consumed large amounts of vitC, grape seed extract and curcumin and I still do. And everything I do to achieve being pain free is said in this blog. I haven't said or done anything different than I've mentioned. So, whatever you do personally is up to you but I am going to keep doing what I do because I don't wish to be sick.

    I know what works and what doesn't - you'll either have to take my 33 years of experience to heart, use it or discover for yourself the path that is right for you.

  3. I Don't feel it's fair to speak as if your suggestions will work for everyone. I'm on only a liquid diet ever. I wish ibuprofen were effective c against my pain. It is constant pain for me, which flares. Seeing how this disease is progressive it's kinda unfair to categorize us. I know you mean well and do have some great suggestions but I know many of us who are in late stages some who hurt to drink even water. There comes a time when intervention is needed despite best intentions. I still do many herbal supplementals, but the pain is excruciating. I am being told they want to start palatine therapies like killing the nerves with alcohol, which scares me some. Just be careful when speaking for everyone who is suffering. I've already seen many take lives into their own hands, and it's not bc they did things wrong. It is because they were suffering without much help to deal with their pain. I'm sure they v would have gladly emptied ibuphrophen bottles if that type of medication were effective against such pain. Even doctors, who do understand how painful this gets will not suggest ibuphrophen unless in early onset. Also, many cannot handle it due to the need to eat with it, and for its negative effects on stomach.

    1. This is an old blog that I started out with first however ... I've had doctors tell me that Ibuprofen doesn't work or only in very mild cases yet people who have been on powerful narcotics (Fentanyl, Dilaudid, etc) and have tried Ibuprofen have seen amazing results because when the inflammation is resolved the pain lessens, other symptoms lessen and when the inflammation is completely resolved most symptoms are either resolved or drastically reduced. Now ...

      Does that mean everyone has a wonderful experience by following what I did and/or still do (diet, supplements, anti-inflammatories)? Of course not. Even the best doctors have trouble healing their patients and I am definitely not a doctor.

      But here's the deal pancreatitis is INFLAMMATION of the pancreas. Inflammation is NOT resolved by using narcotics yet anti-inflammatory drugs and supplements resolve inflammation. That's just the way it is. But again ... is what I do 100% effective for everyone who has pancreatitis? I would be amazed if that were even close to true.
