Friday, June 29, 2012

Natural Pancreatitis Remedies Are Being Attacked By The FDA

You may soon find you have no natural pancreatitis remedies, such as grape seed extract, available for you to use because the FDA is on the march against natural health remedies, again!

It just irritates me to no end that the FDA has been bought and paid for by Big Pharma. If Big Pharma says to the FDA "Jump!" the FDA asks: "How high?" and ...

If Big Pharma is successful in achieving their goal you will not be able to buy vitamin C without  a prescription and fruit juice may be considered a drug if someone were to mention that a certain juice, such as grapefruit juice, could have healing health benefits. Yet ...

Please FDA, Kill Me with Toxic Prescription Drugs

It is perfectly fine for Big Pharma to create, manufacture and market (via doctors), with the blessing of the FDA and FTC, toxic drugs that kill and maime over 100,000 people every year in the United States alone!

Drugs like Lipitor, Mevacor, Zocor, Crestor and Pravachol, used to lower cholesterol, have been linked to serious conditions such as pancreatitis, myositis and rhabdomyolysis. All three conditions can become serious and life threatening. Yet they are passed out like candy because statin drugs are BIG business! Lipitor, before the patent expired, produced profits of over 10 BILLION per year. "The world's top-selling drug ever, Lipitor brought Pfizer $10.7 billion in 2010, most of that from the U.S." - USA Today. ONE drug, 10.7 BILLION in gross revenue!

Most everyone knows that the two big oil companies earn ridiculous revenues (400 BILLION?) while we shell out cash at the pump but ...

Other than the oil conglomerates how many companies do you actually know of that earn 10.7 BILLION in sales revenue yearly? I was shocked by how many there actually are! According to CNNMoney 247 companies earned revenues greater than 10 billion in 2011. Now consideriing the actual number of companies world wide that isn't a lot but still, more than I expected.

Drugs that CAUSE Pancreatitis

Diabetes drugs like Byetta, Januvia and Metformin have been proven to CAUSE pancreatitis. One of the newest and worst Januvia, sitagliptin phosphate, is a DPP-4 inhibitor. Since the DPP-4 enzyme is known to be involved in the supression of cancer using Januvia also increases the risk of developing cancer in addition to pancreatitis.

  • HMG-COA Reductase Inhibitors (Statins Used to lower Cholesterol)
  • Diuretics and ACE inhibitors (used for high blood pressure, congestive heart failure)
  • Oral contraceptives/HRT (birth control and hormone replacement therapy)
  • HAART Therapy (drug regimen for HIV)
  • Valproic Acid (Depakote, Depakene, Epilim, Stavzor used for certain types of seizures and bipolar disorder)
  • Opiates (used for pancreatitis pain management)

And this (the above) is merely the TIP of the iceburg!

Talk about hypocrisy! Here's where the FDA really shines (sarcastic).

On October 14, 2010 the FDA attacked manufacturers and marketers of EDTA. Disodium EDTA has been used for years with FDA approval for the elimination of diagnosed heavy metal toxicity produced by lead and other metals. In the late 1940's it was used to 'chelate' ship painters and some of those ship painters also suffered from heart disease. Turns out EDTA in some way improved blood flow, lessened symptoms such as agina (chest pain) and made those who suffered from heart disease happy. However ...

EDTA was beyond the time of patent registration and so Big Pharma and the medical community couldn't make huge revenues off of EDTA and so this knowledge was swept under the rug for almost 60 years. But ...

Behind the scenes some doctors decided to use EDTA for IV chelation of patients with heart disease. And Viola! Patients began to improve without surgery!

News naturally traveled fast and all of a sudden these 'chelation doctors' are labeled as quacks, ostracized, even prosecuted for using EDTA, against AMA protocol, to treat heart disease (clogged arteries). Soon these doctors formed their own little clique called ACAM.

Anyway since IV chealtion was flying under the radar yet producing some extraordinary results the idea of oral chelation with EDTA soon developed and people were able to get EDTA chelation for 1 - 20 bucks a month in pill form.  Pretty dang cheap for a solution to heart disease.

Well holy crap orthodox medicine had a conniption! They were already worried about the fact that people were opting for the far less expensive and invasive EDTA chelation therapy over normal  protocols such as angioplasty and bypass surgery and now EDTA chealtion was available in cheap pills? Ok ...

So what to do?

They notify the FDA and point to manufacturers and marketers of oral chelation products and say: Sick'em boys! The FDA inturn sites the manufacturers and marketers and accuses them of conning sick people with 'dangerous' unproven therapies. But ...

What is the truth?

The truth is yes EDTA can cause some harmful side effects when taken via IV drip especially if the drip is actually what is called an "IV push" which means that instead of the prescribed EDTA protocol being infused in a 31/2 to 4 hour time frame it is pushed in about an hour. This can cause kidney failure. Now ...

From what I can find there have been 3 deaths from EDTA Chelation in the last nine (9) years according to the CDC. That is ALL I can find in regards to EDTA and ...

NONE were attributed to ORAL chelation. In fact there are no adverse effects what-so-ever attributed to oral chealtion with EDTA. But ..

Promoters of ORAL chelation are attacked and threatened by the FDA!

So if I haven't bored you out of your skull by now with this trivia (actually it is important) you are probably wondering "what the hell has this to do with me and my pancreatitis?"

Here's the answer:

The FDA wants to try to ban grape seed extract because lots of people are discovering its benefits pertaining not only to pancreatitis but to high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and overall health. This could be disastrous for you and me.

I'm talking catastrophic.

Grape seed, curcumin, vit C and my pancreatitis diet are the only reason I am living pain free. and I KNOW for an absolute fact this is the case because I have tried to go without both and it just doesn't work! If I am on diet only after a time I'm again sick. The supplements are a must! So anyway ...

Natures Pearl was attacked on 4/12/2012 by the FDA because they mentioned that their Muscadine grape seed extract may produce certain health benefits (cited referrences that actually made the benefit claims). Read the FDA warning!

What this means to you, and me, as people who suffer from pancreatitis, is that sometime in the not to distant future we may have NO choice but to be sick and in pain!

What do you think and how do you feel about that?

Speak up let's hear it people!


  1. Hello. My boyfriend has been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis a little over a month ago. At first they told him he had acute now they say it's chronic. How do you know which one he has. I feel so helpless. He's in pain everyday. He doesn't eat. The only way he has no pain is if he lays on his stomach.

    1. How does one know whether it is acute or chronic pancreatitis? Doctors can tell from US and CT scans when the damage is defined.

      It is difficult in some instances to determine if it is chronic or simply recurrent acute but recurrent acute, without evidence of chronic panc (damage seen on scans) usually happens in those who have AIP (autoimmune pancreatitis). BUT ...

      That isn't always the case either.

      If there is damage and it shows on scans it is most likely chronic pancreatits anyway there is always hope for healing unless his pancreas is calcified bone or completely burnt out which happens to those with CF and can happen with long-term chronic pancreatitis if the patient does learn to deal with it appropriately.

      You may want to ask him if he wants to live. I know this may sound like a dumbass question but you'd be amazed at what actually happens.

      People will say yes you dumbass, of course I want to live BUT ...

      No, I won't quit drinking

      No I won't quit eating steak

      No i won't take Ibuprofen to resolve the inflammation of acute AP because my doctor says it won't work and could maybe be dangerous

      No I won't take grape seed extract, curcumin or vit C. Doctors know best and if that stuff worked the FDA would approve it

      And the list goes on ...

      So when someone tells me they want to live, yet what they are current ly doing ISN'T working and ...

      They WILL NOT DO what does work or CHANGE their lifestyle then one (me) can only conclude that they really don't want to live. So ...

      Ask him if he wants to live, then ...

      Ask him if he'll do whatever it takes to survive and eventually thrive ...

      IF you get a positive response test him. Put him to the test and have him prove he wants to live by actually doing what it takes to survive.

      Good luck to you and him!
