Saturday, July 28, 2012

Genetic Factors Cause Pancreatitis

Listen while a doctor explains why your friend, family member or someone you know, who suffers pancreatitis, may not feel well due to the pain involved with pancreatitis.

If you think your friend, family member or co-worker is "malingering" or simply wants sympathy from you think again as this doctor explains that pancreatitis pain is worse than cancer. 

He then explains some of the genetic factors that may cause pancreatitis and reasons genetics may be involved.

So the next time you think your family member or friend is "faking the pain" remember the above video and try to imagine pain that may entice you to blow your brains out and end it - you may then get the picture

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Does Cabbage Cause Pancreas Pain or Acute Pancreatitis?

Read ALL of this post because cabbage is as likely to cause pancreatitis pain or pancreas pain as you are of winning the lotto tonight or this week. Cabbage and other vegetables are NOT your enemy - they are your friend!! But ...

I can not say the same for pancreatitis support groups. 

I can not recommend support groups because most are comprised of sick people who do not learn and give off way to much BAD information and here is a VERY recent prime example:

Poster: "I have had CP for four years and only been in the hospital once but last night I thought I was on my way to ER. Has anyone had a problem with eating a cucumber or cabbage? I had both last night and was able to stay home with my pain meds but still not feeling too good. Just liquid and crackers for a few days."

Answer #1 "i eat cucumber every day and it does nothing-its one of my 'safe' foods but i gave up cabbage ages ago............... after an attack"

Answer # 2 "Haven't eaten cabbage, but do okay with cucumber. Hope you feel better soon :)"

Poster: "Thanks, guess I will skip the cabbage."

Now I can guarantee you cabbage is not the problem. Why would cucumber (a vegetable) cause ZERO problems while cabbage (also a vegetable FULL of antioxidants) does?

Does that make sense?

I am tired of wasting my time with people who enjoy being sick. That is why I have decided not to waste my time in support groups. I have told these same people and provided EVIDENCE to back up what I say yet they do NOT listen. So why waste the time? But ...

What really concerns me is that people who may want to learn how to heal join these support groups that are full of erroneous information and they get led by people who have not taken the time to do their due diligence and learn what is really the problem. Now ...

Could cabbage cause a problem?

ANYTHING is possible but I really doubt it. Cabbage causes gas in some people, just like broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables but farting is far cry from pancreas pain or an episode of acute pancreatitis isn't it?

So what may be the culprit?

First you need to know what the person ate WITH the cabbage. For example did she:

1) Have corned beef and cabbage? If so it was the corned beef causing the problem not the cabbage.

2) Put the cabbage in a salad such as cole slaw or top it with some sort of oily dressing? If so, then it was the mayo or oil that caused the problem.

3) If the poster would have said I ate the cabbage and cucumber raw with NOTHING else my next question would be what did you eat yesterday and the day before? I would ask this because ...

Raw or boiled cabbage (by itself) is as likely to be the cause of the posters complaint as you or I are of winning the lotto this week.

I eat TONS of cabbage. But ...

I NEVER eat it with beef or oily dressing. In fact I usually eat it raw or only cook it in some manner that does not require oil or animal fat (no oil, no fat, no grease, no pam spray, nothing) and top it with only spices like salt, pepper, garlic and sometimes cayenne pepper for some kick. Cabbage by itself has NEVER made me sick but I can tell you that BEEF and cabbage or cole slaw or something similar may make me VERY sick. But hell don't take my word for it because I am adding some vegetable research to back up what I say. So ...

Be sure to have corned beef and cabbage or cole slaw or some salad with cabbage smothered in an oily dressing tomorrow or this weekend, get sick and then ...

Blame the cabbage!

Vegetable research

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Vegetables Help Stop Acute Pancreatitis

The medical community is finally catching up to things I have known for YEARS! They have finally figured out that vegetables are good for helping to control, even stop acute pancreatitis. They don't know why which doesn't surprise me but at least they have found out as you can read in a new study published in original form in the journal Gut on June 28, the link above is simply to an article about the study.

In 2009 they discovered antioxidants (15 years later than me) help pancreatitis pain, yet I know certain antioxidants go even farther by helping to actually stop acute pancreatitis attacks and heal pancreas damage. Grape seed, curcumin and vit C

Vegetables and or a vegan type diet is essential for healing your pancreas. I've been telling people for the last year or so to change from their normal fat filled, meat filled diets to vegetables. Especially during the first 6 months to a year after an acute pancreatitis attack. Then once the pancreas is healed you can add anti-inflammatory FISH (cold water, oily fish such as WILD salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, trout, cod, halibut, bass) along with some skinless poultry.

Why you need to do a food diary

Pancreatitis diet

Why My Pancreatitis Diet Is So Important

This is a short post cuz I really don't have anything else to say. If you have questions be sure to ask them because they may give me an idea for another blog post. If I know the answer I'll tell you and usually point you to science that will back me up. If I don't know the answer I'll tell you that too and most likely find one by doing some research.

Have a pain free day!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Pancreatitis Pain: How to Stop Pancreatitis Pain

pancreatitis pain
Pancreatitis pain can be mild to severe. I can personally tell you from experience that you do not want to experience the severe form of pancreatitis pain but I'll wager that if you are reading this blog post about pancreatitis pain that you've been there, done that.

I can remember one acute pancreatitis attack I was kneeling over the toilet when my wife came in (I was married at the time) and she asked me something, probably "what was I doing?"

I asked her "are my guts still inside me?"

I actually remember asking her that exact question but according to her I wasn't real coherent and obviously in severe pain so she got my ass into the car and she drove me to the ER.

This was just one of my many acute pancreatitis attacks and I can say, without doubt, you never want to experience severe pancreatitis pain. Sometimes it felt like something (remember Alien where that giant wormy thing pops out of peoples abdomens?) was trying gnaw a way out and explode from my abdomen.

Pancreatitis pain, especially when severe, is debilitating. Most people can't even phathom what it is like; however if you can imagine the pain associated with pancreatic cancer you are most likely close because pancreatic cancer patients often suffer from acute pancreatitis. So one could say pancreatitis pain is similar to pancreatic cancer pain, which may or may not be true.

Normal medical protocol is to treat pancreatitis pain with opiates such as demerol, morphine and morphine derivities. I've had demerol and it did absolutely nothing. It didn't even take the edge off my pancreatitis pain.

I've talked with several people who have had demerol for different types of pain. It was used years ago to reduce or eliminate pain from surgery and people who had experienced demerol told me it was a wonderful time for them. They flew high in the sky for an hour or two and felt nothing but pleasure.

I thought " how nice for them, isn't doing shit for me!"

I was diagnosed with acute and chronic pancreatitis in 1979.

It took 7 ER visits and half a dozen other doctors to finally figure out what was wrong with me. I don't want to go in to it in this article but let's just say I found out why doctors call their business a "practice."

I was sicker than a dying dog for several years. Then ...

I started drinking grapefruit juice.

I believe I started in early 1982 but get this ...

My acute pancreatitis attacks stopped.

My pancreatitis pain was far less severe and 30 years later I find research on the internet that specifically states that flavonoids, found in grapefruit juice, STOP acute pancreatitis in rats and actually protect their pancreas.  Ok ...

So maybe I am part rat!

All I know is that grapefruit juice stopped my acute pancreatitis and protected my pancreas long before it protected rats. You are most likely shakin' your head thinking this guys a nut so here - READ THIS! Scientists discovered in 2004 what I discovered in 1982, that unsweetened, white grapefruit juice stops acute pancreatitis but ...

At the time I thought it was my low fat diet and the drug called Robinul that my doctor had prescribed starting to kick in. I wasn't smart enough to realize that I'd been on that drug for about three (3) years already and it was most likely something else. Since my really low fat diet was new (within about 6 months) I just chalked it all up to the diet and the drug. But ...

The real winner was the grapefruit juice and ...

Unsweetend, white grapefruit juice can be found at any grocery store.

Fast forward about 12 years to 1994.

In 1994 I discovered antioxidants.

In fact I learned about several very special, highly anti-inflammatory antioxidants that are so powerful they literally stop pancreatitis pain and with diet allowed my pancreas to heal.

As it turns out the medical community stumbled upon my previous discovery as well and published the results of a study done by Pramod Kumar Garg, MD, DM, of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi in 2009. Dr. Garg states: "We are encouraged by our findings, as significant improvement was noted with antioxidants in respect to all the parameters of pain in this study. In addition, reduction in pain resulted in fewer man-days lost, thus providing functional employment gain to the patients. The findings should spur further research in this exciting area."

It took the good doctor 15 years more than me to figure out that certain, very powerful antioxidants help pancreatitis pain. Unfortunately the good doctor used antioxidants, such as selenium that can be toxic at high doses whereas I chose NON-toxic, highly anti-inflammatory antioxidants like grape seed extract, curcumin and vitamin C.

Taken in theraputic doses they will help to control pancreatitis pain and with an anti-inflammatory diet for pancreatitis you may heal like I did and enjoy some pain free years.

Is it worth a shot to change your diet and try some supplements?

If you said yes, then go get the supplements.

You can get grape seed, curcumin, vitamin C, pancreatic enzymes and a muti vitamin/mineral formula at any good health store. Just make sure that the vitamin C, grape seed and curcumin are "stand alone" products. You don't want grape seed, curcumin or vitamin C that is mixed with a bunch of other crap that could be toxic when taken in large amounts.

Posts about how to stop pancreatitis pain:

1) Ibuprofen for acute pancreatitis

2) What happens during an acute pancreatitis attack

3) Pancreatitis diet

4) Supplements for pancreatitis

Friday, July 6, 2012

Pancreatitis Diet: High Protein, ZERO Fat for People with Pancreatitis ...

pancreatitis diet
What is great for a pancreatitis diet and an excellent source of protein for people with pancreatitis?

Egg whites!

Yeep, you'll be able to heap protein into your pancreatitis diet (to gain weight and build muscle) simply by ingesting a fair amount of NO FAT egg whites!

Don't tell me you forgot about the benefits of egg whites?

Actually there is very little benefit for most people but for those of us who need to watch FAT due to pancreas damage from pancreatitis then a diet for pancreatitis should include egg whites for protein and vitamin B-12 (needed to make blood). So ...

Tomorrow when your buddy asks what you ate for breakfast you can stick your chest out with pride and say "I ain't a dozen eggs (with salt, pepper and garlic powder), 2 slices of whole wheat toast with jam (no butter or margarine) and a pot of hot, black coffee." And you will have ingested around 30 grams of protein and maybe TWO grams of fat (depending on your bread choice).

Pretty cool huh?

There isn't any flavor really to egg whites so I usually fry them (non-stick pan with no oil) and then add them to rice and veggies or just veggies or just eat them with toast (if you can call this gluten free shit I have to eat toast) and coffee as mentioned above.

One CUP of egg white will supply 26 grams of protein. Yeah that's about 9 eggs lol but eggs are cheap and egg white has ZERO fat, ZERO cholesterol and lots of protein! So ...

For those of you who wonder how to get the protein you need while healing I just gave you my secret pancreatitis diet weapon - Egg whites!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Acute Pancreatitis Damage: What Happens During an Acute Pancreatitis Attack?

acute pancreatitis
Let's get down to brass tacks and talk pancreas damage from acute pancreatitis.

In order to completely understand how serious any acute pancreatitis attack actually is one must understand what happens during an acute pancreatitis attack. Now ...

I am not going to go all "medical" on you and get into all the bullshit details. You really only need to understand ONE thing and that is this:

What happens to your pancreas during an acute pancreatitis attack?

What happens to your pancreas during an acute attack of pancreatitis is this:

  1. Your pancreas becomes inflamed due to alcohol consumption, gallstone obstruction, high blood fats, abdominal trauma or a myriad of other reasons.
  2. The inflammation activates your pancreatic enzymes. Pancreatic enzymes are only suppose to activate when they reach your small intestine but inflammation can and does trigger early activation while the enzymes are still inside your pancreas.
  3. The enzymes eat your pancreas. Early activation from inflammation turns your pancreatic enzymes into pancreas killers. Instead of being released and activating in the small intestine and breaking down your food they are activated while still inside your pancreas and finding no food to digest they begin eating your pancreas.
Not a pretty picture.

Acute pancreatitis hurts like hell, makes you sicker than you've most likely ever been before and may cause you to believe you just might be on your way out. Now ...

pancreas damage
Enzymes are biological molecules that catalyze or increase the rates of chemical reactions and are necessary for almost all forms of life to exist, from bacteria to humans. There are many kinds of enzymes but we are talking human digestive enzymes and ...

To extremely over simplify the molecular structure of pancreatic enzymes and how they work, picture them as an ACID. So ...

If you were to spill sulfuric or hydrochloric acid on your hand how long would it take before you were aware of pain and visable damage?

Not long!

Maybe seconds!

So, how long do you think it takes for activated pancreatic enzymes to begin causing damage to your pancreas?


So while you are waiting for Dr. Shit4Brains, who normally can't diagnose strep throat with any degree of certainty without doing a throat culture, to discover the problem you are having which turns out to be acute pancreatitis what do you think is happening to your pancreas?

Did you say: "Geewhiz dude it is being damaged?"

Correctomundo keemosabi!

Your pancreas is sustaining more damage every minute that Dr. Shit4Brains searches for some off-the-wall imbecilic diagnosis when all symptoms point to acute pancreatitis. I mean  hey ...

Your first time at the ER may look something like this:

You come in sicker than a dog and the brilliant reception desk person gives you a silly form to fill out, then you wait, in pain, maybe puking. Then ...

You are shuffled into some dumbass nurse's office who wants to play 20 questions while you are doubled over in pain and puking. Finally when he or she thinks you need to be admited to the ER you get to wait in a room for Dr. Shit4Brains.

When Dr. Shit4Brains comes in smiling (he's tickled cuz the cute nurse in rooms 112 just smiled at him and said he was "lookin' fine today") he introduces himself and instead of looking at your sheet he needs to check out your life history by asking questions (the answers to which he doesn't really hear cuz he's still thinking about NurseHot4Action). then ...

acute pancreatitis - vomiting - nausea
He asks about symptoms (he can't see you are leaning forward, sweating and panting like a dog because of extreme pain and the fact you just puked on his shoes doesn't tell him you have nausea and vomiting). Then ...

He wipes off his shoes and asks you to lie on the bed (you can't even sit still cuz of pain but he wants you to lie down which normally makes the pain even worse) and begins to poke and prod asking the dumbass question "does this hurt?"  When he's done poking and prodding you immediately scoot back up onto the edge of the bed and lean forward to help ease the pain, which is a losing battle. Then ...

More questions from Dr. Shit4Brains (he doesn't pick up on the clue - you aren't able to keep lying down and instead lean forward to help ease the pain and he completely misses the part about the pain stabbing into your back) and he maybe orders a blood draw for a CBC series. Then ...

He leaves for awhile to check out Nurse Hot4Action and wait for the blood draw results. The blood draw results come back fairly normal with slightly elevated white blood cells and liver enzymes but nothing else and ...

Since he doesn't have the faintest clue as to what's wrong with you (he partied and slept through med school and paid his brainac dorm roomate to do his work and take his exams) he never does check your amylase or lipase levels which would most likely indicate pancreatitis. But ...

doctors and pancreatitis
Dr. Shit4Brains does experience an epiphany!

Ah ha! He gets it! You are a druggie in "withdrawls" looking for a fix!

For one short moment he was considering some pain and nausea medication to help relieve your discomfort (gross understatement) while he consulted with 10 of his collegues (because he doesn't have a clue what is wrong with you) but ...


You said you weren't an alcoholic so you must be a drug user! And ...

Since it is almost time for him and NurseHot4Action to end their shift he does what?

The dumb bastard conjures up a cool story about "gastritis" and the possibility you ate something bad and the moron releases you with directions to come back if the situation doesn't improve. Now ...

What exactly is happening to your pancreas while this moron, Dr. Shit4Brains, diagnosises you incorrectly and fiddle-fucks around with NurseHot4Action?

It is being destroyed by its own enzymes!

You go home, in agony, and wait for your pancreas to quit eating itself while Dr. Shit4Brains gets laid! And ...

Since you are sicker than a dog you instinctively don't eat and you are extremely lucky and the acute pancreatits finally resolves on its own but ...

The DAMAGE is done!

diagnosing pancreatitis - pancreatitis tests
It may not bee seen on a CT scan but any moron would know that a pancreas subjected to being eaten for HOURS by its own enzymes is damaged! And ...

What exactly does this mean to you?

It means that within a short time you will most likely experience another acute pancreatitis attack, sustain more pancreas damage, that will most likely lead to chronic pancreatitis, but hopefully the second time you experience an acute pancreatitis attack you'll get someone, other than Dr. Shit4Brains, who didn't sleep through med school for an attending ER physcian and he or she will diagnose you correctly.

I hope for your sake that you do not experience a severe form of acute pancreatitis the second time, that you did get diagnosed in time to hopefully prevent disabiling surgeries and damage, in fact I hope you got diagnosed correctly the first time and the AP was quickly resolved and you are pretty much ok.

It took me seven (7) ER visits and 14 doctors to get a proper diagnosis.

13 dumb bastards and one very intelligent, good doctor.

I hope your experience is much better, hell, I hope you never experience pancreatitis EVER! But ...

Chances are if you are reading this post you have been inducted into the pancreatitis hall of pain and for that I am truly sorry and I sincerely hope you are able to achieve becoming pain free so that you live a fairly normal life. But ...

What I have tried to explain (maybe without success) is that the sooner you address the inflammation and STOP the acute pancreatitis attack, the less damage you will sustain. Unfortunately you will sustain damage no matter what happens. Any acute attack of pancreatitis is going to cause damaged tissue. Hopefully you will not be one of those who are really unlucky.

Like I said earlier ...

If you are reading this post chances are you have pancreatitis and since that is the case your primary concern should be to prevent another acute pancreatitis attack from happening again. In a previous post called: 5 Pancreatitis Remedies I Use you can find the diet and supplements I use myself to keep my pancreas as happy as possible and avoid more damage.

In summary: When you have an acute pancreatitis attack the most important stratetgy is to STOP the acute pancreatitis attack as quickly as possible by reducing or stopping the pancreas inflammation.

I would suggest if this is your first visit to my blog that you invest all the time you need to learn how to live with pancreatitis, more importantly, learn to over come pancreatitis and keep from incurring more pancreas damage.

I hope you have a pain free day!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ibuprofen for Acute Pancreatitis

Ibuprofen for acute pancreatitis
Let's disccuss Ibuprofen for acute pancreatitis.

I take Ibuprofen for acute pancreatitis.

I take it ONLY for attacks of acute pancreatitis.

It is not a daily regimen because Ibuprofen is NOT a safe drug. Actually there are no safe drugs. A Big Pharma company could take something as safe as vitamin C and create a drug that would kill you so anytime you are dealing with a Big Pharma drug there is risk.

With acute pancreatitis there is a lot of risk.

Risk that it will escalate in to necrotizing pancreatitis (necrosis with infection), organ failure, bleeding, shock and/or death. Severe AP with complications poses a mortality risk of up to 30%.

There is also risk with Ibuprofen and you need to be aware of the risk.  

Why Use Ibuprofen for Acute Pancreatitis?

I use Ibuprofen because the risks are definitely outweighed by the benefits. The biggest one (benefit) of which is that 800mgs of Ibuprofen will stop an acute pancreatitis attack where NOTHING else but other NSAIDs (aspirin, naproxen, etc) will.

When you cut out all the medical bullshit acute pancreatitis boils down to this ...


Nothing that the medical community does in the ER stops an acute attack within 90 minutes.  It takes them days! They are slower than shit going up a rough tree!

They first try to determine whether or not you are having an acute attack. That is assuming you have already been there done that, have the pancreatitis hall of pain t-shirt and they (your local ER team)have actually recognized pancreatitis and it is in your records. So while they are fiddle-fuckin' around trying to determine what's wrong your pancreas is eating itself and you are sustaining damage. Now

When they come to the conclusion you are having another acute pancreatitis attack they do what?

They give you an opiate for pain.

Opiates only "mask" the pain.  What is worse is that opiates are a known CAUSE of acute pancreatitis. And doctors give opiates for pancreatitis pain? Go figure huh?

So IF they work how do opiates work?

They trick your brain!

Yep, opiates trick the brain into believing you don't hurt and most will take you on a pleasure cruise to exotic locations, or so I have heard.  Frankly ...

Demerol didn't do shit for me, no pain relief, no pleasure cruise.

The sad thing, like I said a couple sentences up, is that opiates also CAUSE acute pancreatitis.

That is fact!  But ...

Even IF the opiates work for you "masking" the pain is not even close to the same thing as dealing with the inflammation which when eliminated also eliminates the pain.

Why does relieving the inflammation also relieve the pain?

In the case of pancreatitis, eliminating the inflammation deactivates the enzymes. You see those enzymes are NOT suppose to activate until they reach your small intestine. However when your pancreas becomes inflamed, for whatever reason, those enzymes can activate early while still inside the pancreas. The inflammation causes the enzyme activation. And ...

That is why once the inflammation is resolved the enzymes deactivate, they quit devouring your pancreas and the pain disappears.

Anti-inflammatories are considered to be minor to moderate pain relievers because they relieve headache pain, arthritis pain and so on but who is to say the reason they eliminate pain in those conditions as well is not due to the fact that they have eliminated the cause of the pain which is inflammation?

Pancreatitis pain can be mild.

Pancreatitis pain can be moderate. But ...

When demerol (used for moderate to severe pain) won't even take the EDGE off the pain I wouldn't call that minor or moderate pain, would you?

Doctors treat symptoms.

I prefer to go after the CAUSE because ...

While the ER doc is shooting your ass up with pain meds to treat your pain your pancreatic enzymes are still chewing up your pancreas. The inflammation is still there. It has NOT been addressed! In fact the opiates can cause MORE inflammation and CAUSE another bout of acute pancreatitis. Oh sure, they figured out that you should not eat and take away your food.


Any moron could conclude that fact, since ingesting food tells the pancreas to produce enzymes, and then when your pain resolves 2 - 5 days later they want you to bow, pay homage and do the happy dance because they saved your life. Your pancreas is frickin fried and almost useless but hey
they stopped your pain and saved your life! They are like ...

   ... gods!


They are imbiciles!

They let your pancreas devour itself.

IF they had the brains God gave a goose they would have figured out that anti-inflammatories were indeed the answer!

WHY? (I hear you asking)                                     

What is pancreatitis?

Did you say inflammation? (Correctamundo!)

What eliminates inflammation?

Did you say anti-inflammatory type medications? (Correctamundo!)

See! Did you notice that this pancreatitis pain and inflammation issue isn't really a difficult dilemma such as solving quantum teleportation?! But ...

There is the issue of money.

IF you knew that $.30 worth of Advil would accomplish more than a $1500.00 - $10,000.00 ICU visit which would you choose?

Exactly! And ...

I would hate to think that money, cash flow, cabbage, bread, c-notes, ben franklins could be the reason doctors do not tell you about Ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory medications for pancreatitis but money (or it's loss) may be exactly why you don't know about the fact that Ibuprofen will stop an acute pancreatitis attack.

Hell, I don't sell Ibuprofen.

I have no vested interest in telling you how I stop my acute pancreatitis attacks. Ok, sure ...

If you buy some grape seed or curcumin and or other products from one of my sites (this blog or a Squidoo lens) I might make $.44 (44 cents)  up to a whole $1 or $2 IF you really get extravagant and buy several bottles but do the math! At about $.44 per bottle I'd have to sell 500 bottles per day to make any kind of money! And trust me on this it ain't even CLOSE! I think my record day has been like 5 bottles, wow, $2.20! But ...

I ain't doing this for money which is a good thing cuz I'd starve! So ...

IF any of you reading this or one of my Squidoo lenses on pancreatitis THINK I'm just a snake oil salesman trying to take advantage of some desperate people well ...

You need to think again because this is NOT my dream, lotto winning, money niche.

I have pancreatitis.

I know what the pain of pancreatitis is like and I hate to see people suffer more than they actually need to or be butched by some surgeon IF it could have been prevented with $.30 (30 cents) worth of Ibuprofen! So ...

IF you think for one minute I am simply trying to take advantage of your pain and suffering you, my friend, can kiss my white ass and go somehwere hot!

The FDA can kiss my white ass!

The FTC can kiss my white as too!

I stumbled upon what works for me which is to say God showed me what works and I am simply passing it along so that you may have the knowledge as well.

I can tell you this, the night I was in an excruciating acute pancreatitis attack and the demerol didn't do shit and I started rumaging through the medicine cabinet and found my wife's 800mg Motrin tablets and they said "take for pain" and I was in PAIN and after taking one I was no longer in pain that ...

When I told Dr. Langdon what traspired he was dang sure O.K. with writing a script for me! But then he was one cool and very good doctor. But ...

There is risk with Ibuprofen and similar NSAIDs.

Aspirin is somewhat different because unlike Ibuprofen (the risk is small) aspirin doesn't cause heart attacks where Ibuprofen has been know to do so. Aspirin can and does cause bleeding in some people, so does Ibuprofen and this can be life threatening as well. But ...

Again the risk is small; however, if you have an adverse reaction from either Ibuprofen (or another NSAID) or aspirin please remember I have told you it could happen and I have also told you that if you do what I do - you do it at your own risk.

If you should die please don't tell me because I will feel absolutely horrible.

I have no idea why God showed me the way.

I have no idea why he saved me (even the doc said I should have been dead) because ..

I'm an asshole.

I've been an asshole my whole life. But ...

He helped me find Dr. Langdon who listened and had the brains to recognize my condition and confirm it via tests. He helped me discover Ibuprofen. He led me to white, unsweetened grapefruit juice which actually stopped my acute pancreatitis attacks and by that I mean - they just stopped after I started drinking grapefruit juice. Then ...

He helped me discover grape seed and curcumin and put together my regimen that along with my diet (which God also helped with - I mean who would think of doing enemas to completely cleanse their system before starting their food diary?) allowed me to actually heal.

So why me when so many others have so much more damage and are in so much more pain?

I don't have a clue.

I can think of tons of reasons why He should have simply let me die a very painful death but did He?


He saved me.

He had His Angels protect me.

He showed me how to survive and now ...

I'm passing what He taught me along to you.

I could care less where you buy your grapefruit juice, grape seed extract, curcumin, vitamin C, pancreatic enzymes, multi-vitamin/mineral formula or Ibuprofen (advil, motrin). Get them at your local health store or your grocery store or where ever, just get them and try them.

Use my AP cocktail to stop an acute pancreatitis attack.

Use my diet and daily regimen to heal.

Avoid all dubious information on the net, especially if they ask you to buy some frickin' book they wrote after their father died of pancreatitis. IF they knew what I know their father may still be alive and well! And my info is frickin' FREE! You can spend all day at my sites, learn everything you need to know and the info won't cost you a damn dime.

A few of you who follow my info have said I should write a book.

I don't want to write a book and get paid.

God didn't charge me.

He GAVE me everything.

The least I can do is to try to return His kindness in the same fashion.

I would like to know if the info helps you. If you find releif or better yet healing; I'd like to know. I don't want a bunch of rah, rah ...

I just would like to know if you feel better. And ...

If you do, thank and praise God, not me.

Try Ibuprofen and my coctail for resolution of your next acute pancreatitis attack and try to have a pain free day!