Friday, December 9, 2011

Chronic Pancreatitis Diet: A Food Diary IS Necessary

In order to discover the true food triggers for acute and/or chronic pancreatitis pain a food diary is an absolute must. Without taking the initiative and time to create a food diary and log every morsel of food and drink that passes your lips and travels into your digestive system you will never be able to distinguish between what is and what isn't actually causing you pancreas pain and discomfort.

Many people believe that this or that antagonizes their Pancreatitis symptoms such as pain and nausea and for some, certain foods other than simply fats and alcohol may be to blame and I say may be, tongue-in-cheek, because there is only ONE possibility that my limited 137 IQ can recognize as a reason WHY you may not tolerate foods I do or visa versa and quite honestly I have real reservations in this regard concerning most pancreatitis sufferers, but ...

That ONE reason is your amount of pancreatic damage, where that damage occurred and how it has affected the enzyme production of your pancreas.

In order to truly KNOW what foods DO and do NOT cause YOU problems you'll need to begin using a pancreatitis diet food diary otherwise you are simply guessing or relying on one blind person (doctor, nutritionist, your buddy down the street) leading another (you). Now ...

There is a right way and a wrong way to begin your quest.

Unfortunately what I am going to share with you in regards to preparation, just to begin your food diary journey, may not be possible if you have become diabetic due to acute or chronic pancreatitis. So in the case of diabetics, you folks will need to improvise and I'll cover that AFTER I share what non-diabetics might consider doing first.

Pancreatitis Food Diary Preparation For Those Who Are NOT Diabetic.

The ONLY way you are going to find out the truth about what foods and/or drinks should be allowed or disallowed in YOUR pancreatitis diet is to keep a food diary and ...

The first step is to BUY a diary or notebooks to log every morsel of food you put in your mouth each and every day for a very long time.

How long?

Long enough for you to know what foods work and which foods do not work for you.

The second step is to prepare your system. This is an extremely vital step. Without this step it will take WEEKS to clear out KNOWN triggers such as saturated fats from beef, pork and so on and IF you do NOT prepare your system in some way you may as well continue doing what you are doing because you'll never know the absolute truth. Without a completely clean intestinal tract you will always be guessing and this preparatory cleaning can only be done properly by FASTING for 3 - 5 days, no food, just water and then ...

The third step is to clean out your digestive system (small intestines and colon) via a water enema or five or 10 whatever it takes to become completely empty and clean (don't use laxatives or colonoscopy prep solutions) and then ...

Once your system is cleaned out you can begin re-introducing food to your pancreas.

I know that sound gross but here is WHY it is necessary.

You've been eating foods such as red meat and pork which take weeks in some cases to digest and eliminate. In order to truly know what foods cause you pain and/or nausea and discomfort you must first eliminate all offending food from your digestive system.

So lets say you become very determined and really want to know the truth about your condition and what foods cause Pancreatitis pain and more importantly lead to more pancreas damage.

You FAST (no food by mouth for 3-5 days).

You drink lots of water to stay hydrated.

Then ...

You enemize your system and get clean.

Now, I am betting that after 5 days of fasting (no food) that your pain may have resolved and you feel much better, maybe weak from no food, but I'll bet you have less and possibly no pain.

Introducing Food to Your Pancreas

Once you are clean you begin to introduce food to your system and you begin to develop your own pancreatitis diet. Now pay attention because this is important.

Start VEGAN. This means NO MEAT (NO beef, pork, lamb, duck, goose, chicken, turkey, fish or any mystery meat) and NO BROTH made with or even derived from MEAT.


Introduce JUICE into your diet.

(Buy a juicer and make your own or try low sodium V8)

Drink the same - exact juice for 48 hours then ...

Introduce another vegatable or fruit (ONE maybe two).

Eat it for at least 48 hours and drink the exact same vegetable juice.

Do NOT introduce more than two foods at one time. This goes for spices too. You have to be able to track how the new foods affect your pancreas and if you introduce to many at one time it will be difficult to figure out which is the offending food or spice. Even when introducing two at a time if you have problems you'll have to eliminate one at a time to figure out which is actually the offending culprit. It is best to introduce one new food or ingredient at a time.

Be careful when introducing processed foods. Just a slice of bread for example contains a myriad of ingredients rolled into one bite of bread and of course this is where it becomes increasingly difficult to determine the offending ingredient. Read labels, even on something that would seem to be as harmless as bread because bread makers sometimes use lard and lard is usually PORK FAT, sometimes it is made from beef fat. Neither are a good thing. Got it?

It is better to cover foods in a manner that you test ingredients first, one at a time before launching into processed foods.

Yes, this is and will be time consuming.

Yes, it is tedious.

But, the benefits are astounding. And ...

Yes you have to use common sense in a lot of situations in order to figure out why a processed food may be offensive.

Read labels very carefully.

100% fat free on the label means NOTHING.

Ingredients are EVERYTHING.

I don't care if the label says 200% fat free if the food contains bacon (bacon and bean soup) it will most likely cause you problems.

Labels lie.

People lie.

Ingredients don't lie, bacon contains fat, bad fat.

If a food is offensive it can almost always be traced to some form of fat or alcohol. Baked goods for example use vinilla extract and lard (we've covered lard earlier) in many recipes (breads, cookies, cakes, pies). Vinilla extract, used by most bakeries and bakers, contains alcohol. And ...

Alcohol is so toxic to the pancreas that just a little in that vinilla extract could set off your next acute pancreatitis episode or at least make you nauseous and with continued usage cause AP. The good news is that you can now buy gluten and alcohol free vinilla extract for your own baking, check for alcohol free vinilla extract.

Once you have a balanced VEGAN diet and no symptoms you'll thank yourself for having the wherewithall to have followed through on your pancreatitis diet food diary but ...

You aren't done.

It is a continuing process.

Once you have a fairly large VEGAN food profile then you can begin adding ONE protein, like eggs for example, to see how they work. Egg whites are safe and a good source of prtein and vitamin B12 but egg yolk contains some fat so you need to test a whole egg to see how it works for you. In fact ...

TEST EVERYTHING to be safe. So ...

When you begin this portion of the diary go slow.

Remember it takes quite some time to digest animal type proteins so when you introduce one (milk, eggs, fish, cheese) do so slowly and give each at least a couple weeks worth of testing before thinking it is a safe choice for your pancreatitis diet.

I'm not even going to suggest testing red meat, pork, lamb or duck because all are so filled with fat that if you sneak by one time you'll be lucky, if you sneak by for 3 - 4 times, without any symptoms within one - two weeks you'd be a notable scientific discovery.

If you notice I say to give things anywhere from 48 hours (veggies, fruits, whole grains like rice) to two weeks (proteins such as meat) for symptoms to show up. There is a reason for that and it is because despite what people (you, your doctor, whoever) think most foods and drink are not immediate triggers.

Some seem like immediate triggers when they are NOT triggers at all while others seem like they are harmless when in fact they are insidious culprits. Then there are those that will immediately trigger a negative response (AP) a few hours after ingestion yet not do so the next time. This is why so many people think the offender is something (collard greens) when it isn't.

... And it is this enigma or complexity that makes it so important that you get serious about your food intake and do a pancreatitis diet food diary.

Once you get serious and do the preparation and pancreatitis food diary correctly the guessing will cease because you'll KNOW, without a shadow of doubt, whether foods such as grapes (usually safe), additives like nitrites (usually safe and a common component of fresh vegetables), green bananas (usually safe when peel has NO spots), garlic, cayenne pepper, or some other spice (usually safe especially those mentioned because of their highly anti-inflammatory properties) are infact the offender OR if it was really that piece of red meat slathered in gravy you ate two days ago that was the real culprit and cause of your pain.

Instead of blaming that bowl of sliced apples, oranges and grapes you had an hour ago you'll know that the real bad guy was the steak from last night or that pot roast when dining at Grandma's last Sunday just catching up and grabbing you by the midsection. And of course if you still drink alcohol you should simply put a pillow between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye because you are playing with a damn bomb that is gonna explode.

By the way ...

If any of you folks reading this post or any portion of this blog think I am full of shit and that what I do won't work for you I challenge you to do what you think won't work after you read this post: My Pancreatitis Regimen May NOT Wrok for You?


  1. I agree with you that lots of raw vegggie juices, minerals, supplements, & enzymes will help heal chronic or acute pancreatitis. It's best to alkaline the diet, also taking enzymes on a empty stomach along with meals.

  2. Yes ma'am I whole-heartedly agree with me too! :) Thank you for the kind words and I hope you find this pancreatitis blog helpful in your journey towards healing.

  3. Health guy,
    When ever I read your topics I remember one quote by a great person"I have suffered,and I dont want the world to suffer".

  4. Hello Health Guy,

    I have been reading your blog for a few days and it helped me immensely. Thank you for putting the word out there. I have been suffering from a mild upper abdominal pain (that is generally radiating to my back)for almost two months. I have had stronger pain for a few times but it resolved by itself. I thought I was having gallbladder attacks. I finally decided to see the doctor and my ultrasound results showed clear gallbladder, liver and kidneys but mildly inflamed pancreas. My amylase and lipase levels were normal. I am now very worried that this inflammation has been going on for almost two months. I started fasting as soon as I read your suggestions and it has been 36 hours already. Meantime, I don't think I will be able to continue fasting without extra juice or veggie drink. I am only 110 pounds, started to feel dizzy and I have two kids that needs my constant attention. Though I still want to continue on the regime you suggested. I want to heal my pancreas and take good care of it. What do you think I can drink (other than water) that would still help me heal my pancreas but give me some energy to run around my kids. My second question is that what tests should I ask to my doctor to diagnose what I am experiencing is acute or chronic pancreatitis...Should I ask to retest amylase and lipase levels? Any other blood tests I should ask for? Do you think MRI or MRSP would be helpful to see the damage in my pancreas? I want to be on top of my health but I don't think I can find a pancreatic specialist in my area.I don't think my doctor is aware of the seriousness of this illness neither and he keeps offering me narcotics for my pain. I refuse to take them. I am grateful for your blog, and I appreciate for any suggestions you may give. THANK YOU!

    1. Hi Mary, sorry to hear you have been having problems.

      Answer to question #1 - After a 3 day fast due to AP pain or lessor pancreas pain you might want to start drinking organic vegetable juice made from high nutrient veggies such a tomato, spinach, carrots, watercress, bell peppers (green,yellow, red), beets, broccoli and throw in an apple with it because the pectin in apples helps your body absorb more of the nutrients. IF you don;t have a juicer buy LOW sodium V8. It works pretty good.

      IF you are not on any prescription medication get some white unsweetened grapefruit juice and drink half a dozen glasses per day along with the veggie juice (well not right with but you know what I mean - in between). Then ...

      After a few more days on just juice (IF you have no pain or nausea) start eating strictly VEGAN (no meat, no dairy) meals, NO FAT, NO ALCOHOL.

      Small meals and take a good quality digestive enzyme supplement with each meal.

      Go to the "regimen products" page and get some grape seed extract and curcumin or buy it at your nearest health store just get the same brands I use because they work.

      Tests - Lipase and P-amylase (P-amylase is pancreas specific like lipase) are the blood tests that are most accurate in diagnosing acute pancreatitis and often people with mild chronic pancreatitis have elevated levels as well, not always but IF you have AP your lipase and amylase will always rise at about 3-4 hours into an attack. IF your hospital has trypsin testing available it is REAL specific but few do.

      Radiology tests - Ultrasound is ok - endoscopic US is quite impressive NOT ERCP - EUS. CT scan is generally the gold standard.

      Bear in mind the medical community has put so much emphisis on stupid scoring methods that they MISS diagnosing everything except the BAD cases of chronic or acute panc. Doctors have become like auto repair techs. If a machine of some sort doesn't tell them what's going on and literally diagnose you they can't seem to "get it" done. Using their brain, common sense and thinking on their feet kinda went out of fashion with the advent of computers.

      Good luck :-)

    2. Hi there,

      Your advice had been wonderful.

      I had acute pancreatitus 3 years ago and i had doctors telling me to start drinking alcohol in small quantities after 4 weeks and also to eat red meat and fish in smaller quantities.

      Luckily i did not listen to them and instead i followed an old 80 year old doctors advise to stop alcohol totally and eat no fat at all. He advised small meals of veg food and lots of raw fruits and veggies.

      I have had no relapse since 3 years and i intend to follow this discipline.

      I need creon 10000 enzyme tablets with every non fruit meal. Is there a way to avoid that? Can the Pancreatic function ever get better?

      Thanks for all your good advise.

      Rajiv Kapur

    3. Excellent information. Most doctors do not know as much as you.
      Thanks and keep up the good work.

    4. You are welcome. Your 80 year old doctor is priceless. Keep him and hope he lives much longer!

      If your pancreas is damaged enough to need the enzymes I would imagine they might be a lifetime thing but who knows? I don't take creon but need to take my otc enzymes with meals. I don't hold out a lot of hope that it will change but who knows? Maybe in time they will not be necessary.

  5. What is a water enema?

    1. An enema that consists of water only. If you are asking me what an enema is, ummm, it's a method of cleaning your intestinal tract. You may want to Google it.
