Saturday, September 24, 2011

Living with Pancreatitis and Overcoming Pancreatitis

Living with Pancreatitis can definitely be a challenge for people who suffer with this condition. Those who have hereditary issues such as Familial hyperlipidemia or Familial hypertriglyceridemia (high blood fats) or an autoimmune disease which causes their pancreatitis or those who suffer with another genetic disorder called cystic fibrosis will most likely experience the most frustrating challenges simply because there is an underlying condition that needs resolution (which may or may not be possible) in order to completely resolve the condition called Pancreatitis.

The resolution of the underlying condition may not be possible as is the case in those born with cystic fibrosis and it seems that Pancreatitis caused by high blood fats is not easily controlled either. Those suffering with autoimmune pancreatitis may be able to find resolution if they are able to control the autoimmune disorder such as the case found in Celiac Disease whereby a gluten free diet may be of great significance in regards to overcoming pancreatitis. However ...

If the pancreas has suffered damage due to Acute Pancreatitis episodes there will most likely be the resulting chronic pancreatitis that must also be resolved in order to achieve relief from pain and other symptoms while also lowering the risk of continued pancreatic damage and cancer due to long term inflammation of the pancreas.

This is where a strict pancreatitis diet and helpful supplements such as grape seed extract, vitamin C and curcumin come into play.

Grapefruit juice and/or grapefruit seed extract may also be of benefit however it is important to note that consumption of grapefruit juice and/or grapefruit seed extract has been linked to a 36% increase in breast cancer among postmenopausal women yet another study indicates that the first study may be erroneous. However ...

Grape seed extract and curcumin do NOT have this link to cancer and in fact show just the opposite in regards to positive potential. Both grape seed extract and curcumin have shown definite ant-cancer potential including the ability to promote apoptosis (programmed cancer cell death). This fact ...

Would clearly indicate there is potential benefit to be realized, for those who suffer from any form of pancreatitis, by integrating grape seed extract and curcumin into their daily wellness regemin.

For those who suffer from the more common forms of pancreatitis such as gallstone pancreatitis, alcoholic pancreatitis or idiopathic pancreatitis or that which is suspected of being caused from abdominal trauma I am convinced that due to my own experience overcoming both Acute Pancreatitis and Chronic Pancreatitis can be achieved via a strict pancreatitis diet and the above mentioned supplements. Of course ...

Resolution of pain and symptoms will not be achieved over night. It may take weeks to months to see significant results, depending on the amount of damage already sustained but with complete discipline and due diligence I firmly believe most victims of chronic pancreatitis will see major benefit via diet and supplements. It is important again to note ...

There will not be the complete resolution of pain, symptoms and potential risk of disability and death as in the case of alcoholic pancreatitis unless the person suffering determines it is in their best interest to completely quit drinking. Alcohol is of course completely out of the question for anyone who suffers from any form of pancreatitis and should be completely eliminated from consumption in any form.

In the case of gallstone pancreatitis it clearly is indicated that removal of the stones is needed in order to remove the risk of necrotizing pancreatitis and any additional acute pancreatitis episodes due to an obstruction of the common or pancreatic duct by a stone. This of course can only be achieved completely via surgery and removal of the gallbladder. Once the offending stones, along with the potential of recurrence, are removed then healing via diet and supplements may give the victim a more positive experience. SHZX9D8MKU6K

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  1. Thanks for the valuable insights.

  2. Frustrated with no AnswersDecember 9, 2013 at 11:11 AM

    I have read everything in your blog and paid attention to a lot of the reader comments and posts. Sadly, I am still searching for answers myself. Like you, I have also done a lot of research in other places.
    I am on VitC and Grapeseed, but not Curcumin with unknown SOD and GB issues. I also have used ibuprophen but not granted the success you have when pain is 8+. Serious opiods have helped more.
    At this point, I am not even sure what‘s going on in my own body. The most FRUSTRATING part is that I have had SO MANY tests and everything has come out negative. Nothing has been found. I have been in the ER three times already, in pain, and my blood work (LIPASE was tested twice) has been fine. The pain was centre mass, slightly up and to the left of my belly button. They told me 'it’s an ulcer'. The PPI they gave me didn't do anything to alleviate the pain, and in a month I lost 20 lbs. I went to my own doctor, who has been more helpful. I know how you feel about doctors. ….but I love mine as he isn't afraid to admit mistakes and learn more. I have a 'funky' gallbladder with polyps, no stones. I have a history of 'sludge' accumulating in there as well. When I went in, after a discussion about symptoms, and belly palpation, he said 'perhaps I have made a mistake. Your pain I associated with GB dysfunction, maybe I should have been thinking more of SOD or pancreatic dysfunction'. (LOVE HIM!) So he sent me straight away for an MRI. He even noted on the requisition – ‘possible chronic pancreatitis’. Creon helped me eat. The MRI results showed nothing in terms of pancreatic damage, inflammation, necrosis, calcification, blocked ducts, nothing at all. Even the radiologist wrote in his report he could find nothing on review that would be cause for the symptoms I was presenting with. What???? UGH!!!!
    Today my pain is still there, but at a much lower level. During my ER visits I was an 8, day to day I remain a 2, maybe even a 3, but my pain also moves around a bit in terms of location. 85% of the time it just sits as a dull, colicky ache right underneath the sternum. No way to tell if its more left or right as its very central. Radiates to the back as well, right in the middle, between the shoulder blades. However, once in a while (15%) the pain will 'move' a little lower, a little more left sided, and the back pain will move there as well. Doc now says SOD and wants to do ERCP as the MRI is not detailed enough to determine a SOD issue.
    I'm on the fence. I know about the 11% rule, and so does he, we have decided to agree to disagree on this issue - he will leave the decision entirely up to me. I'm not sure I will do an ERCP.
    I'm contemplating just having the GB removed to see if that helps. But this is why I am ON-THE-FENCE on proceeding with GB removal, there is a DIRECT and marked correlation between GB removal and exacerbation of SOD symptoms post GB removal. You can see this when you read forums and forums of people who have had their GB's removed, only to have symptoms return a few months, (some even weeks) after the surgery.
    Now that I have rambled on, I REALLY need some advice. I understand you are not a doctor, and I don’t want to get you in trouble. Let’s phrase it like this…
    If you were me, and had my history, what next steps would you take? What tests would you have done, and what questions would you ask your doctor? What could be missed with all tests and MRI showing nothing of note?
    My pain just always seems to be there. My little painful passenger that I didn't ask for or want.
    Thanks so much for letting me vent. It’s a scary place to be, and I'm more frustrated when I see / read about so many people who suffer. Worse than I have. My heart breaks when I read about these people in and out of hospitals, can’t work, and have impaired living. I think your blog, and all that you have offered is a wonderful step in finding a place to search and share answers. Bless you for helping.....

    1. Hi Frustrated - I can really empathize with you. At least you have a doctor that admits he doesn't know everything and is willing to learn - THAT in itself is remarkable!

      IF it were me with a gallbladder that has polyps, never heard of that but ...

      I have heard of cancer of the gallbladder. Colon polyps are pre-cancerous which may lead me to investigate your GB polyps further.

      When you were in the ER those 3 times when did they draw blood, how long had you been symptomatic? The reason I ask is that it usually takes at least 4 hours for enzyme levels to increase. IF you had went in at the first sign of onset and you were taken into the ER quickly and they drew blood too soon after onset your lipase and amylase may not have yet risen.

      You had an MRI which is great for some things especially looking at the brain for example but if memory serves me correctly the CT scan with contrast is the gold standard for discovering pancreas damage.

      The classic symptom of acute pancreatitis is one you mentioned. Pain center mass that radiates to the back. GB disease can offer something similar with pain going to the shoulder blade area but located more towards the right shoulder from what I have read. The pancreas pain goes from front to back in a straight line. Most AP patients find themselves involutarily leaning forward during an attack and laying down on your back usually intensifies the pain, at least it did with me.

      IF it were me I'd ask to have a CT scan. I'd want to know when my blood was drawn while in the ER (right away or what?), if they even tested for lipase and amylase, and, I'd keep someone looking for the right diagnosis. You may not have pancreatitis, you may have some other condition with symptoms that are similar. I'd also have them run my blood for IgG4 level elevation. You may have autoimmune pancreatitis which is more like chronic pancreatitis and mimics pancreatic cancer.

      One thing I am wondering is - How have you obtained opiates without a diagnosis of pancreatitis or something else just as painful? You said that they helped more than Ibuprofen. Demerol didn't do crap for me. The doc who finally diagnosed me used morphine and prostigmine to cause an acute attack - opiates can actually cause AP, and I would think especially in those who already have an inflamed pancreas.

      How much Ibuprofen did you take? I've had people with major damage stop full blown AP with 800 mgs Ibuprofen, grape seed extract, vit C and curcumin in combination. I stopped mine years ago with 800 mgs of ibuprofen even before I knew about grape seed and curcumin. Anyway ...

      Keep seeking a correct, viable diagnosis. Until you have one everyone is simply guessing. Good luck to you :-)

    2. Hi again HG - I am still searching for answers. In regards to your specific questions. I developed stomach pain in the evening, and only went to the ER the next morning. So by then I'm sure lipase would have been significantly elevated. However, I am going back to my doctor to ask exactly what the level was. Even a moderate or mild increase would interest me while most doctors may only pay attention to HUGE increases.

      I took 2 x 400mg of Ibuprofen. You can get those OTC here in Canada. It may have taken the edge off, but did in no way elimate the pain.

      When I was in the Dr office and he realized how much pain I had, he prescribed Percocet. 2 of those and I was able to function again.

      Anyway, the investigation continues and I am going to request a CT.

      I may ask to have GB removed. I'd hate to undergo unnecessary surgery but I'm willing to try anything at this point. If it is the polyps in the GB then my pain should be gone after it is removed. If it doesn't well...back to the drawing board I suppose.

      Thanks for the reply. And again, thank you for your lovely website. I think no matter what my situation, you are helping a lot of people.

    3. Hi Frustrated. You are welcome, sorry I am not more help. I don't know everything in fact I know very little. I hope you find out whatever is wrong, find relief and live well. Good luck to you.
