Monday, September 19, 2011

Opioids Associated with Pancreatitis

Opioids are one of the class of drugs most strongly associated with Acute Pancreatitis. If your doctor has you on any form or derivitive of opioids such as morphine you may never heal your pancreas.

Isn't that a mind-blowing discovery?!

And it is absolutely correct.

Drug Induced Pancreatitis

This gives me even more reason to trust only me when it comes to healing my pancreas and overcoming Pancreatitis.

Anti-Inflammatories such as aspirin and Ibuprofen stop pancreatitis inflammation and the associated pain while opioids such as morphine mask the pain and increase the chances of another Acute Pancreatitis episode.

Ibuprofen is relatively safe (no drug is safe), isn't as commonly associated with pancreatitis, eliminates the inflammation which is the the cornerstone of the condition, reduces and/or eliminates the pain, reduces the resulting damage and is non-addictive yet doctors prefer to give their patients something that is actually commonly associated with causing Acute pancreatitis.

Aspirin does the same as Ibuprofen, eliminates the problem (inflammation) and has no association with Pancreatitis and no addiction history.

Go figure.

Leave a comment and let me know you're alive!


  1. What about tylenol 3? Thats what they sent home with my husband when leaving the hospital. He says it doesnt help the pain

    1. Tylenol 3 is Tylenol (acetaminophen) + codeine. Tylenol is a weak analgesic, almost worthless in my opinion. 30 mgs of codeine probably isn't strong enough either. Ibuprofen will do more than Tylenol 3. Ibuprofen will help resolve the inflammation which in turn resolves the symptoms (pain,nausea). You can get Ibuprofen at any store. It comes in 200 mg tabs/caps. Names include advil, motrin, ibuprofen. I found 800 - 1000 mgs does the trick.
