Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pancreatitis: Popular Diabetes Drugs Pose Risk

Popular diabetes drugs have been attributed to the cause of Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer. You can read one story here in U.S. News.

Another classic example of the FDA approving toxic poisons yet they harrass the supplement industry and if they have their way will take your ability to choose whether you want to use non-toxic natural supplements, herbs, or vitamins to treat your condition.

This has been happening fro about 10 years now, eversince the FDA became the puppet of the drug lords (Big Pharma). Prescription Drug User Fee Act

Our protective (sarcastic) FDA calculates the fees based on the expected work (applications etc) and the amount it wants to raise from the fees. For 2008 the application fees were :

1) If the drug company submitted a full application, requiring clinical data (that is bought and paid for by the drug company) the fee was $1,178,000.00; There are also establishment fees and product fees.

2) $589,000 per application not requiring clinical data or per supplement requiring clinical data.

Here's more about the Act from Wikipedia.

Our own Congress allowed the drug lords to grease the palms of those who are there to protect us and since this act was passed more drugs than ever before, that harm and kill people, have been approved by the FDA.

Toxic FDA approved drugs together with incompetent medical staff account for hundreds of thousands of deaths per year with Toxic drugs killing approximately 100,000 Americans yearly.

1) Death by Medicine

2) AlterNet

3) Dr. Mercola

4) Natural News

5) Pfizer

6) 100,000 deaths yearly (documentation provided)

7) Worst Pills

If you live in the U.S.A. I urge you to write your senator, congressman and governor and let them know that if they allow the FDA to continue to harrass the alternative, natural care and supplement industry that you will vote for someone who will keep the FDA at bay and unable to take your ability to choose.

Leave a comment and let me know you're alive!

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