Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Acute Pancreatitis: I Should Be Dead

I've had a lot of Acute Pancreatitis episodes.

David Langdon, M.D. (the ONLY doctor that was able to diagnose me) actually used drugs (2) to cause an Acute Pancreatitis attack, drew my blood every 30 minutes for over 5 hours and he said at 3 hours my enzyme levels started to spike and by the end of 5 hours they were so high I should be dead.

He asked me to tell him again how many times this had happened and I told him I had been to the ER 7 times with really bad attacks but all they ever did was to draw blood one time and once they drew blood and gave me a shot of demerol which didn't do anything but maybe take the edge off. Then ...

He did a CT scan (they were really new at the time), what may have been an early ECRP, he simply called it endoscopy (Stuck a scope down my throat to check shit out) and then we had a little chat where he told me I was going to have problems and eventually wouldn't be able to eat. He mentioned something about a Pancreatic Transplant in maybe 10 years or less and then said they weren't to successful.

He did not actually say I was gonna die but I got the picture. And I must admit I was not thinking to clearly and didn't ask nearly enough questions so I have no idea whether my pancreas was damaged or not because he did not bluntly say it was a disaster and sometimes I miss the subtle hints.

Unfortunately, just a short time after he diagnosed me, he left for Texas and a teaching position at the University. This guy was brilliant and I found out later he wrote articles that were published in the prestigious journals like NEJM and he was quite well known and revered.

When I look back at the time I was really sick I remember little things like I couldn't stand to have a woman lay her hand on my abdomen while sleeping, even though at the moment I didn't feel sick, cuz doing so hurt and would make me nauseous.

I also had this lump, you could see it, almost in the middle of my abdomen just at my rib cage. It seemed to come and go or maybe I just didn't pay close enough attention.

All I know is that after Dr. Langdon diagnosed me, put me on medication and told me to eat less fat and quit drinking alcohol I did start to feel better, for the most part, but I still had some awful Acute Pancreatitis episodes like the one I mentioned earlier in another post (the one I had while at the car dealership). I'm sure gald I didn't die in that damn bathroom.

Headlines: "Man Dies In Bathroom of Car Dealership"

That would have been something to be proud of huh?

Anyway, if you are reading my blog I just want you to know I really have been where you are, I have the T-shirt. I may not have had necrosis or cysts or internal bleeding, I know I didn't have organ failure because I am alive but I have had some horrible frickin' pain and other symptoms. I cringe everytime I think about it. And I never want to experience that shit again.

That is WHY I'm so anal about my Pancreatitis diet and supplement regimen. I'm NOT a pain junky. I used to be an adrenaline junky but was never into pain. So ...

If you are like me, hate pain, then give my Pancreatitis diet and the supplements a try. A GOOD try because it may take awhile to see real results.

And I could careless where you get the supplements. In fact, if you have a good health food store near you get them there, you can have them today or tomorrow and swallow those puppies so you start receiving benefit sooner!

And START MY Pancreatitis Diet!

What you swallow DOES make a difference!

Yeah, yeah, I know you love beer, me too.

I know you love steak and roast, me too.

I know you probably like bacon and eggs with biscuits and bacon gravy, me too!

But how do you like the pain? Do you like that too?!

How do you like the thought of death and leaving your loved ones?

I hope you listen to what I have to say - no wait I can't give medical advice so scratch what I just said. DON'T LISTEN. But ...

I didn't like the pain or thought of death so I changed, completely changed my diet and started taking the supplements vit C, grapeseed extract and curcumin. And soon I felt better.

That's what I did, you have to do what is right for you and of course what your health care provider feels is the best treatment because I am not here to dispense medical advise, treat or cure any disease and everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt for I am just a guy. I am not a doctor, hell, I didn't even go to college!

My story is for your entertainment only. And since I forgot what the hell I was really gonna write about in this post I am gonna say have a nice day!

Leave a comment, let me know you are still alive!

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