Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chronic Pancreatitis? Be Careful Alcohol Hides in Many Places

When you suffer from chronic pancreatitis you need to be very careful of alcohol because it hides in many places. Just a little can cause you to have an attack of pancreatitis.

"The skillful strategist defeats
the enemy without doing battle"
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

Read the above quote over and over till you "get it."

5 Places Alcohol Hides

1) Mouth wash such as Listerene is full of alcohol. And even though you don't swallow it (you could by accident) there is still residue left in your mouth which you will swallow, eventually.

Alcohol can enter your system via the skin inside your mouth. Your skin is the largest organ of your body and the membrane inside you mouth will absorb alcohol. Just swishing it around for 30 seconds to a minute may be all it takes to inflame your pancreas.

2) Cold remedies such as Nyquill can be full of alcohol. Avoid them just as you would booze, wine and beer.

3) Vanilla extract also contains high concentrations of alcohol and just a teaspoon, used in baking, can be enough to cause a major problem.

4) Bananas turn to alcohol as they ripen. Once a banana begins to spot do not eat it. The spots singnal the sugar content is turning to alcohol. In fact, when a banana is ripe and full of spots you can actually smell the alcohol if you pay more attention than I did.

5) Foods such as that rum cake or cherries jubilee for desert or the marinade you just purchased contain alcohol. Make sure to read labels on foods before you buy them.

Many people think a "little" of something from time to time is no big deal, but, in the case of pancreatitis they are totally wrong. Don't you be one of those people. And alcohol is THE biggest no-no.

I learned about vanilla extract and bananas the hard way. Maybe you'll take heed of the information in this post and be safe rather than sorry.

Remember, it is ALL up to you from now on. You will either suffer the agony of a very hard death, soon, or maybe live a fairly long life.

Leave a comment and let me know you're alive!

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